Tuesday, August 12, 2008

oSkope Visual Search

Very similar the image search engine "elzr imagery," Oskope also searches multiple image directories. While I don't consider it as practical because it's a bit more resource heavy (slows computer a bit + needs Adobe Flash to run), I do consider it more appealing to the eye and much more functionable!

The search works different in the respect that you can only search one service at a time. The list of services where images can be pulled from is Amazon.com, Fotolia, eBay, Flickr, Yahoo, and YouTube.

Get your image search on!

Now, onto the functionality I was talking about. The functions include making thumbnails bigger (little drag-bar on the right side), changing the basic layout of the pictures (left side), and a little folder that you can drag pictures into and email them to someone else or yourself as a reminder. I've been playing with this site for a while :D

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